First:A%I Last:A%I company:A street:A city:A state:2A%U zip:A phone:A fax:A Line1:A=First $$ Last //Line1 is made by joining First and Last names ; Line2:A=! Company ? Street : Company //Line2 is Street if no Company ; Line3:A=! Company ? City$","$$State$$Zip : Street //Line3 is City, State Zip if no Company ; Line4:A=! Company ? "" : City$","$$State$$Zip //Line4 is blank if no Company ; Product1:A Quantity1:I UnitPrice1:F2%$ Discount1:N%% Product2:A Quantity2:I UnitPrice2:F2%$ Discount2:N%% Subtotal:F2=(Quantity1 * UnitPrice1* (1-Discount1 ))+ (Quantity2 * UnitPrice2 * (1-Discount2 ));%$ , Tax:F2=State ≈ "IL" ? Subtotal * 0.07 : 0.0 //if Illinois, calc Tax at 7% ;%$ , Total:F2=Subtotal + Tax ;%$ , Payments:F2%$ , Outstanding:F2=Total - Payments ;%$ , )
Bob Carmichael Brian's Technical Services 132 N. Western Williamsburg WI 45678 16" Softball 48 3.45 12" Softball 10 3.25 .075 100
Kerry Delugage I.M. Porter, Inc. 32 Trunk Lane Portage IN 40312 812-555-9883 Baggage Cart 4 95.60 Baggage Strap 25 2.95
Bob Larch B.L. Inc. 32 West Pine Woods Hole MA 1" Rubber Stoppers 1500 .6 .06 1/2" Rubber Stopper 1000 .55 .05 1000
Rosalita Asbury Stone Pony Construction 111 E Street Freehold NJ 33322 323-555-4382 12Hp Three Phase Motor 20 125. .20 Proboy Motor Bearings 20 19.95 .10 1275 11-381-591 444-NQSAND
Jules Kelvin Neil & Bob's Heating and Cooling 231 Alameda Rd, #22 Milton CA 94030 415-555-5554 Power Driver 45 150 .20 #10 Toggle Bolts 50 235 .2 10500 11-382-591 324-LQJOHA
Charles Upharly Ganster Construction 440 Walnut Street Bloomington Il 46097 317-555-2123 Disc Sander, 3Hp 7 65 .1 .300 Grit Disks 50 3. .2 500 11-383-591 847-BQHANS
Ellen Weals Franklin Hardware 5323 East Franklin Indianapolis IN 46226 317-555-6023 3/4" Conduit--20' Lengths 20 4 .2 Powco Grounded Duplex Recepticles 35 1.35 .2 64 11-384-591 753-IQANDE
Bermuda Schwartz Williams and Son 249 LaGrange Rd. Flanders MO 58928 923-555-3894 5000' Copper Tubing 2 785 .2 20hp Compressor 5 225 .1 2300 11-385-591 284-ZQWILL
Alfredo D' Arque Weston Lighting and Wallpaper 3893 Watt Battery Park OH 32421 150 Amp Fuses 300 1.25 .3 75 Amp Fuse 100 .95 175
Mack Louistein Logan International Airport Dept. 5, Logan International Airport Boston MA 54399 900 Watt Runway Bulbs 150 17.5 .15 300 Watt Tarmac Bulbs 83 11.35 .075 2000
Kathy Drawl Greater Chicago Diocese 23 West Oak Chicago IL 60622 312-555-4938 8" Candles 25 2.99 12" Candles 25 3.99 95
Phil Matalevin Canticle Film Labs 38 West Huron Bloomington IL 65423 815-555-9787 Developer Fluid (2 gal) 3 15.99 70 mm film (1000 feet) 30 30.49 .1 850